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Business Resilience Roadmap: Practice culture

This section of the 澳门王中王 Business Resilience Roadmap offers practical insights from experts and forward thinking practices on nurturing resilient teams and fostering a culture of innovation.

How to foster a culture conducive to wellbeing
Take positive action to create a culture that values mental health

How internal transparency benefits the business
While involving the team takes time and effort, practices that adopt this approach believe the benefits are significant

"What鈥檚 the story our prospective clients tell themselves about us?"
Learn to design 'catalytic' questions that challenge the status quo and foster innovation in your practice

How a group of like-minded practices banded together for mutual support
The benefits of collaboration, knowledge sharing and pooling resources

10 reasons why your practice might consider employee ownership
Learn why a trust could be the right model for your practice

Aligning your work to your ethics and values
How pursuing B Corp certification can help practices track "what good looks like"

Five tips on giving constructive feedback to a team member
Learn skills such as how to make criticism positive and encouraging

HR essentials that all practices should have in place
Discover HR tips like how to ensure your team understands its duties, responsibilities and rights

Helping new parents return to work
Learn how to help new parents navigate the challenges of juggling workload and new responsibilities at home

Six standards for managing work-related stress
Normalise conversations around work-related stress and make them as routine as managing any other health and safety issue

Formulating a good hybrid working strategy
See how striking the right balance is crucial to maintain productivity, socialisation and learning development within architecture practices

Transitioning from employee to employer
Making the jump can be difficult, but understanding who you are first should be a priority

Boosting team productivity by altering leadership styles
Learn how managers can consider a hands-on, personal-output approach as one of many ways to increase productivity

What next?

The Business Resilience Roadmap contains two further sections, providing useful guidance and support on:

Tell us what you think

We value your feedback. Your insights and experiences of responding to challenging economic times are invaluable and help to inform the content we produce. Please email the Practice team with any feedback, knowledge or observations you are willing to share.

澳门王中王 Continuing Professional Development
As part of the flexible 澳门王中王 CPD programme, the content in the Recovery Roadmap counts as microlearning.

Find out more about the updated 澳门王中王 CPD Core Curriculum and fulfilling your CPD requirements as an 澳门王中王 Chartered Member.

Don't forget to record your CPD online on any device after you have read the Recovery Roadmap contents.

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