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Business Resilience Roadmap: Fees and finance

This section of the 澳门王中王 Business Resilience Roadmap offers essential guidance and practical tools for achieving financial resilience and ensuring timely payment.

How to carry out a financial health check of your practice
Evaluate your short- and long-term financial situation

Review your financial management regime
Examine your position and plan ahead to ensure your practice is equipped to weather a recession

How to reduce expenditure during a downturn
Practice leaders share tips for reducing overheads to cope with financial challenges

How to ensure payment from clients
Tips for securing fee income from experienced practitioners and financial experts聽

Are the terms of your appointment clear and comprehensive?
Getting the appointment contract right is vital to protect architects from potential problems down the line

What can you do if a client faces insolvency?
If a client goes into liquidation owing a practice money, what steps should you take to reduce the financial impact?

Optimising Fee Proposals
Strategies for staying profitable and standing out from the crowd

Fee disputes and how to avoid them
Clarify exactly what your fee will cover

R&D tax credits: are you eligible?
Most practices qualify for rebates across a range of activities

Guide to R&D tax credits
Access an in-depth guide for Chartered Practice on qualifying activities and how claims are calculated

Where to find free business resources
Take advantage of free business services, one-to-one advice and funding opportunities

Do your contracts protect you from project delays or cost escalations?
Learn about the most common sources of contractual disputes

Five foundations of a profitable practice
Essential processes to stay finance-focused

How to make fess profitable when projects are onsite
Tips on managing fees, clients, and profit margins

Creating a six line Profit & Loss statement
Advice from Grimshaw's COO on monitoring the financial health of your practice

Smart tax tips for your practices workflow
Learn how to manage money across project stages

Manage your cashflow effectively
Learn money management tips like dealing with late invoices and forcasting

Five ways to improve setting fees and writing bid proposals
Learn more about the crucial tasks that could have a huge impact on your practice

How to best use the 澳门王中王 Fee Calculator
Learn how this tool can help you generate more reliable project fee proposals for your architecture projects

What next?

The Business Resilience Roadmap contains two further sections, providing useful guidance and support on:

Tell us what you think

We value your feedback. Your insights and experiences of responding to challenging economic times are invaluable and help to inform the content we produce. Please email the Practice team with any feedback, knowledge or observations you are willing to share.

澳门王中王 Continuing Professional Development
As part of the flexible 澳门王中王 CPD programme, the content in the Recovery Roadmap counts as microlearning.

Find out more about the updated 澳门王中王 CPD Core Curriculum and fulfilling your CPD requirements as an 澳门王中王 Chartered Member.

Don't forget to record your CPD online on any device after you have read the Recovery Roadmap contents.

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