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In Bamboo, photographer: Bian Lin, 漏 Archi-Union Architects/Light of the Internet Expo Center, photographer: Schran Images, 漏Archi-Union Architect
Talks and lectures

澳门王中王 Hello China Digital Talk Series: Talk 4 with Professor Philip F Yuan

A digital talk by Professor Philip F Yuan, Archi-Union founder and professor at College of Architecture and Urban Planning (CAUP) Tongji University, livestreamed from China.

Theme: Fabricating Hyper Objects

Join us on 26 September at 10am (BST) for the fourth digital talk in our Hello China series. This exclusive lecture is delivered by Archi-Union founder Philip F Yuan and professor at the College of Architecture and Urban Planning (CAUP) at Tongji University.

The talk will explore Yuan’s project highlights where his research theories are recognisable in many of his architectural practices including Fab-Union Space (Shanghai, 2015), Chi She (Shanghai, 2016), In Bamboo (Sichuan, 2017), Inkstone House (Sichuan, 2018) and The Light of Internet Expo Center (Wuzhen, 2019). A Q&A session will follow.

Yuan is also a visiting professor at MIT and at Thomas Jefferson (UVA), founder of Fab-Union Technology and director of the Digital Design Research Center in Shanghai.

He focused largely on implementing computational designs and robotic fabrications into local traditions and culture. His projects have received many international awards, been exhibited and published worldwide and entered the collections of several renowned museums such as the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York and the M+ Museum in Hong Kong.

Yuan has had more than 10 books published in this field, including Building Robotics: Technology, Craft and Methodology (China Architecture & Building Press, 2020), Robotic Force Printing (Tongji UPress, 2019) and Collaborative Laboratory (Oscar Riera Ojeda Publishers, 2018).

Tickets are free - book now to reserve your place by 25 September at 4pm.

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more about one of the leading lights of the modern Chinese architecture scene.