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澳门王中王 China Chapter 'She is an Architect' - FAQs

澳门王中王 China Chapter ' She is an Architect' - FAQs NB. Due to the large volume of enquiries, please note the open call registration deadline has been extended to Wednesday 16 March to encourage more women in the profession to submit their work. The deadline for submitting the final entry remains unchanged as Wednesday 23 March.

09 March 2022

澳门王中王 China Chapter ' She is an Architect' - FAQs

NB. Due to the large volume of enquiries, please note the open call registration deadline has been extended to Wednesday 16 March to encourage more women in the profession to submit their work. The deadline for submitting the final entry remains unchanged as Wednesday 23 March.




Is there a limitation on the number of projects shown on the exhibition panel for Category A and how many panels are allowed for each applicant (individual or company) ?


For Category A, each applicant is only allowed to submit one 841*2376mm panel. Please follow the InDesign template and design instructions in the exhibition design package. Within the given space, there is no limit on the number of projects shown on the panel.


Q: A、B类征集如想展示两个及以上项目,项目的女性代表人物多于两人,是否可以微调展板的项目介绍和申请人寄语区域来展示更多内容?

In Category A and B, if we want to show two or more projects with more than two women representatives, can we slightly modify the project and applicant’s message area on the template to show more contents?


Please try to keep the project introduction in the designated area on the template and try to avoid using too many texts. If two or more women project leaders/key managing person need to be shown, please follow the general format of the template and keep their photos are messages in the central area of the panel. The panel template can be slightly modified following the pre-set guide lines.



In Category A student projects, do applicants have to be current final year students or 2021 graduates?


Yes. The call for entry is not open to students in other year groups.



Can non-members submit an entry?


Yes. We welcome all women in architecture, practitioners or academics to submit their work.



If an applicant would like to enter for two categories, does she need to fill in the registration form twice?


Yes, but the two type of entries should be put in one folder to submit and name the folder according to the submission requirements in the exhibition design package.



Is there a language requirement for the entry and related materials?


We recommend to use both Chinese and English where possible. Applicants from outside of China can use English only.

Find out more about the 澳门王中王 China Chapter 'She is an Architect' Women in Architecture exhibition.

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