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Commonwealth Association of Architects elections: call for nominations

Are you a 澳门王中王 Chartered Member in the UK? The Commonwealth Association of Architects (of which 澳门王中王 is a member) is calling for nominations for a position on their council for the 2024 to 2026 term. Find out more and submit your nomination.

21 March 2024

The , will elect its new council for the 2024 to 2026 term, during its General Assembly in August 2024.

As a CAA member, the Royal Institute of British Architects would like to submit a nomination for the position of Regional Vice President for Europe (comprising Cyprus, Malta and the UK), and we're calling on 澳门王中王 Members who are resident in the UK to apply.

About the CAA

The CAA is a membership organisation for professional bodies that represent architects in Commonwealth countries. CAA membership encompasses national architectural associations from the five regions of the Commonwealth. All are united by shared values and the mission to have an impact at scale.

The CAA originated in a meeting of representatives from Commonwealth architectural institutions in London in 1963. The decisions taken were then formalised in 1964, becoming the Commonwealth Association of Architects. The first fully-fledged conference took place in Malta the following year.

The CAA aims to promote "the advancement of architecture in the Commonwealth and the promotion and acquisition of knowledge of the various arts and sciences connected therewith. The association shall鈥romote co-operation between associations of architects with the object of ensuring the maximum contribution by architects to the well-being of society鈥.

The CAA is one of over 80 supporting the Commonwealth's work. It is unique because of its ability to access, engage with and convene a wide range of influential Commonwealth partners. This also includes international agencies who are in pursuit of a better built environment for the benefit of all.

About CAA Council

The Council of the Commonwealth Association of Architects is drawn from its member organisations and elected at the General Assembly which takes place on a two-year cycle. The next cycle is from 2024 to 2026.

CAA Council is supported by two working committees that address Education and Practice alongside a volunteer secretariat and a group of four trustees.

CAA Council members: 2022 to 2024 term

  • Mr Peter Oborn, President, (London, United Kingdom)
  • Mr Kalim Siddiqui, Immediate Past President, (Lahore, Pakistan)
  • Mr Vincent Cassar, Treasurer & Honorary Secretary, (Valetta, Malta)
  • Mr Steven Oundo, Senior Vice President, (Nairobi, Kenya)
  • Mr Wilson Mugambi, Vice President, Africa, (Nairobi, Kenya)
  • Mr Ian Marfleet, Vice President, Americas, (Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago)
  • Mr Umar Saeed, Vice President, Asia, (Lahore, Pakistan)
  • Mr Christos Panayiotides, Vice President, Europe, (Nicosia, Cyprus)
  • Mr Justin Hill, Vice President, Pacific, (Melbourne, Australia)
  • Mr Andrew Amara, Chair of Communications, (Kampala, Uganda)
  • Mr Alex Ndibwami, Chair of Education & Validation, (Kigali, Rwanda)
  • Ms Mina Hasman, Chair of Professional Practice, (London, United Kingdom)
  • Ms Brenda Nyawara, Youth Member, (Nairobi, Kenya)
  • Ms Maira Khan, Executive Director, (Lahore, Pakistan)

CAA representatives at the 22nd General Assembly in Trinidad and Tobago, 2022 (Photo: CAA)

What will this role undertake?

As Vice-President on the CAA Council representing the Europe region, you will be expected to:

  1. Initiate and maintain regular contact with Member Organisations (MOs) in the region.
  2. Gather information on key issues affecting MOs and feedback to CAA Council on a regular basis.
  3. Develop a profile of each MOs and help maintain the currency of the information.
  4. Help communicate the CAA's aims, objectives and priorities among MOs
  5. Work to ensure member retention.
  6. Work with the President and the Senior Vice President to attract new members.
  7. Support implementation of the Business Plan, including:
  8. Support MOs in their engagement with policymakers.
  9. Support the CAA Awards programme, eg identifying jurors, attracting submissions, and generally promoting.
  10. Support the CAA's Education and Validation activities, including growth in the number of validated schools.
  11. Support the CAA's CPD activities including engagement with and participation from each MO.
  12. Help to identify case studies and examples of best practice for publication.
  13. Gather information on key events and activities and help identify opportunities for CAA engagement.
  14. Promote inter-disciplinary, cross-sector collaboration and help maximise the value of the Commonwealth network.
  15. Encourage engagement with other institutes and international forums (eg UN Habitat etc)
  16. Provide regular reports to CAA Council.
  17. Work collaboratively with other members of CAA Council
  18. Generally, act in an ambassadorial capacity on behalf of the CAA.

Are you a 澳门王中王 Chartered Member in the UK and interested in representing the 澳门王中王 on the CAA Council?

Please send the following to emmanuelle.meunier@riba.org before 8 April 2024:

  • your expression of interest
  • a 300-word biography
  • a 300-word statement detailing your motivation, area of expertise and expected contribution
  • a photograph of yourself

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