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鈥婣bell and Cleland


Client Berkeley Homes

Awards 澳门王中王 London Award 2018

© Luca Miserocchi

The opportunity to design two buildings closely adjacent to one another in the historic centre of London is few and far between. Here at Abell and Cleland the architects have taken two sites and successfully transformed the experience of the city.

The two buildings, through extensive community engagement have been sculpted to respond to complex constraints within the historic fabric, amongst difficult uses and imposing light/sunlight requirements. The new buildings complete a series of views from multiple points, improving vistas and relationships that respond to the setting of the existing squares and historic environment.

Landscape plays a key role in the thresholds of both buildings leading inhabitants in and through entrances, flowing into courtyards of plastic form and onto roof terraces that provide a welcome place for users and a multi-layered roofline breaking down the harsh silhouette of adjacent buildings.

The depth and structural integrity of the facade is compelling, bringing lightness, shadow and movement to a part of the city that was once dark and oppressive. Romantic and baroque in their form they are also technically impressive with regards to the massive pre cast columns and semi glazed ceramic tiles that allow light to dance in and around the internal courtyards.

The play between the two buildings, a complex asymmetric pairing, responds to the site conditions and relationship to public realm, at once recognising and engaging the street between them but also offering individuality in their treatment. A mature and responsive architectural embrace that quite literally holds a part of the city.

The buildings create an enjoyable symbiotic relationship and are a fine example of street architecture. An architecture of layering conceived as a bold yet sympathetic conversation with adjoining residents and historic fabric creating a series of wonderful oasis鈥檚 to enable joyful living in an increasingly dense part of the capital.

Internal area 39,380 m虏

Contractor Berkeley Homes Urban Renaissance Ltd

Interior Design Project Orange

Production Architects EPR Architects Limited

Planning Consultant Gerald Eve

Townscape Consultancy Peter Steward Consultancy

Civil / Structural Engineers Manhire Associates

Environmental / M&E Engineers URS Scott Wilson

Executive Landscape Architect Wirtz International nv

Production Landscape Architect Spacehub Design

© Luca Miserocchi
© Luca Miserocchi
© Luca Miserocchi
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